Vibration Training
Knochen Muskeln Ruecken

Gleichgewicht & Haltung

Vibrationsplatte Mediplate für Vibrationstraining ohne Übungen

Haltungskontrolle, Gleichgewicht, allg. das Reaktionsvermögen des Körpers sind vor allem bei älteren Personen wertvolle Qualitäten, um Stürzen vorzubeugen. Mit einem Vibrationstraining lässt sich das umsetzen.

Zahlreiche Studien weisen signifikante Effekte von Vibrationstraining auf Flexibilität und Gleichgewicht aus. Besonders bemerkenswert ist, dass sowohl Personen mit neurodegenerativen Erkrankungen als auch Sportstudenten von Vibration profitieren. Einige Studien zeigen explizit, dass Vibration die Rumpfmuskulatur stärkt. Diese Muskulatur dient ebenfalls der Haltungskontrolle.

Muskelkraft und Ausdauer alleine nützt wenig – es braucht auch koordinative Fähigkeiten. Sensomotorisches Training (z.B. auf unebener Fläche balancieren) reduziert das Sturzrisiko. Fehlhaltungen werden rascher erkannt (propriozeptiv) und aktiv durch die Muskulutur korrigiert (koordinativ). Diese Effekte werden auch durch Vibrationsanwendung trainiert, was sich in Verbesserungen bei Gleichgewicht und Haltungskontrolle zeigt.


The Effect of a Short-Term and Long-Term Whole-Body Vibration in Healthy Men upon the Postural Stability. Magdalena Piecha, Grzegorz Juras, Piotr Kro, Grzegorz Sobota, Anna Polak, Bogdan Bacik. PLoS ONE, February 2014, DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0088295

Acute Effects of Whole-Body Vibration on Trunk and Neck Muscle Activity in Consideration of Different Vibration Loads. Dennis Perchthaler, Simon Hauser, Hans-Christian Heitkamp, Tobias Hein, Stefan Grau. J Sports Sci Med. 2015 Mar; 14(1): 155–162.

Effect of Whole Body Vibration Training on Trunk Muscle Strength and Physical Performance in Healthy Adults: Preliminary Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial. Maeda N, Urabe Y, Sasadai J, Miyamoto A, Murakami M, Kato J. J Sport Rehabil. 2016 Aug 24:1-19.

Acute effects of whole-body vibration on trunk muscles in young healthy adults. Wirth B, Zurfluh S, Müller R. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2011 Jun;21(3):450-7.

Whole body vibration exercise improves body balance and walking velocity in postmenopausal osteoporotic women treated with alendronate: Galileo and Alendronate Intervention Trail (GAIT). Iwamoto J, Sato Y, Takeda T, Matsumoto H. J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact. 2012 Sep;12(3):136-43.

Controlled Whole-body Vibration Training Reduces Risk Of Falls In People With Multiple Sclerosis. Sanchez MC, Estrada EF, King GA, Yang F. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2016 May;48(5 Suppl 1)

Side-alternating vibration training for balance and ankle muscle strength in untrained women. Spiliopoulou SI, Amiridis IG, Tsigganos G, Hatzitaki V. J Athl Train. 2013 Sep-Oct; 48(5):590-600. Epub 2013 Aug 5.

Short-term effect of whole-body vibration training on balance, flexibility and lower limb explosive strength in elite rhythmic gymnasts. Tsopani Despina, , Dallas George, , Tsiganos George, , Papouliakos Sotiris, , Di Cagno Aless Human Movement Science, Volume 33, February 2014, Pages 149–158

Changes in body balance and functional performance following whole-body vibration training in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome: a randomized controlled trial. Sañudo B, Carrasco L, de Hoyo M, Oliva-Pascual-Vaca Á, Rodríguez-Blanco C. J Rehabil Med. 2013 Jul;45(7):678-84. doi: 10.2340/16501977-1174.

Bautmans, I., E. Van Hees, et al. (2005). "The feasibility of Whole Body Vibration in institutionalised elderly persons and its influence on muscle performance, balance and mobility: a randomised controlled trial [ISRCTN62535013]." BMC Geriatr 5: 17.

Bogaerts, A., S. Verschueren, et al. (2007). "Effects of whole body vibration training on postural control in older individuals: a 1 year randomized controlled trial." Gait Posture 26(2): 309-16.

Bruyere, O., M. Wuidart, et al. (2005 A). "Controlled whole body vibration to decrease fall risk and improve health-related quality of life of nursing home residents." Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 86(2): 303-307.

Cheung, W. H., H. W. Mok, et al. (2007 A). "High-frequency whole-body vibration improves balancing ability in elderly women." Arch Phys Med Rehabil 88(7): 852-7.

Furness TP, Maschette WE. Influence of whole body vibration platform frequency on neuromuscular performance of community-dwelling older adults. J Strength Cond Res. Aug 2009;23(5):1508-1513.

Furness TP, Maschette WE, Lorenzen C, Naughton GA, Williams MD. Efficacy of a whole-body vibration intervention on functional performance of community-dwelling older adults. J Altern Complement Med. 2010 Jul;16(7):795-7.

Gusi, N., A. Raimundo, et al. (2006). "Low-frequency vibratory exercise reduces the risk of bone fracture more than walking: a randomized controlled trial." BMC Musculoskelet Disord 7: 92.

Gusi N, Parraca JA, Olivares PR, Leal A, Adsuar JC (2010). Tilt vibratory exercise improves the dynamic balance in fibromyalgia: A randomized controlled trial. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). Mar 16.

Kawanabe, K., A. Kawashima, et al. (2007). "Effect of whole-body vibration exercise and muscle strengthening, balance, and walking exercises on walking ability in the elderly." Keio J Med 56(1): 28-33.

Moezy, A., G. Olyaei, et al. (2008 -). "A comparative study of whole body vibration training and conventional training on knee proprioception and postural stability after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction." Br J Sports Med 42(5): 373-8.

Rees, S., A. Murphy, et al. (2007 -). "Effects of vibration exercise on muscle performance and mobility in an older population." J Aging Phys Act 15(4): 367-81.

Rees, S. S., A. J. Murphy, et al. (2009). "Effects of whole body vibration on postural steadiness in an older population." J Sci Med Sport 12(4): 440-4.

Runge, M., G. Rehfeld, et al. (2000). "Balance training and exercise in geriatric patients." J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact 1(1): 61-5.

Torvinen, S., P. Kannu, et al. (2002). "Effect of a vibration exposure on muscular performance and body balance. Randomized cross-over study." Clin Physiol Funct Imaging 22(2): 145-52.

Haas CT, Schmidtbleicher D. Effects of whole-body-vibrations on motor control in Parkinson`s Internationaler Kongress Mittweida. Mittweida: Scientific Reports Journal of University of Applied Sciences Mittweida: Mittweida (Germany); 2005.

Haas CT, Turbanski S, Schmidtbleicher D. Zur Therapierung von Gleichgewichtsstörungen bei nervalen Krankheitsbildern. ZNS & SCHMERZ. 2004;3:18-20.

Haas, C. T., A. Buhlmann, et al. (2006). "Proprioceptive and sensorimotor performance in Parkinson's disease." Res Sports Med 14(4): 273-87.

Haas, C. T., S. Turbanski, et al. (2006) "The effects of random whole-body-vibration on motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease." NeuroRehabilitation Volume, 29-36 DOI: Hoos L. Der Einfluss eines 8-wöchigen Vibrationstrainings bei Morbus Parkinson Patienten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Verbesserung des subjektiven Empfindens [Diplomarbeit]. Cologne, German Sport University Colnoge; 2005.

Schuhfried, O., C. Mittermaier, et al. (2005). "Effects of whole-body vibration in patients with multiple sclerosis: a pilot study." Clin Rehabil 19(8): 834-42.

Turbanski, S., C. T. Haas, et al. (2005). "Effects of random whole-body vibration on postural control in Parkinson's disease." Res Sports Med 13(3): 243-56.

Effect of Two Frequencies of Whole-Body Vibration Training on Balance and Flexibility of the Elderly: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Tseng SY, Hsu PS, Lai CL, Liao WC, Lee MC, Wang CH. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2016 Oct;95(10):730-7. doi: 10.1097/PHM.0000000000000477.

Whole-body vibration improves neuromuscular parameters and functional capacity in osteopenic postmenopausal women. Dutra MC, de Oliveira ML, Marin RV, Kleine HC, Silva OL, Lazaretti-Castro M. Menopause. 2016 Aug;23(8):870-5. doi: 10.1097/GME.0000000000000644.